March 2024 Blog: Manifestation!

Greetings and Salutations,

Well, a lot has changed over the years and I want you to know I have been paying attention. I am going to give a quick little summary for each of the elements and I am going to share my take on the Zodiac sign activities for the next few months, ok?

You guys know I do a weekly show on iHeart Radio? Just in case you are having a senior moment. Here is this week show from the Spiritual Coaching w/ Ari Mac podcast:

Faith of a Mustard Seed

I want you guys to know that we launched the 1st Manifestation Boot Camp!!! I am so excited!  This has been years in the making. I have spent YEARS, I MEAN years, studying and developing a simple but very effective program. The 1st volume’s available for you right now as a digital guide on Candles by Ari:
Manifestation Boot Camp Digital Guide.

This has been my labor of LOVE for so many years. During the pandemic I had to really reach inside of myself to keep this dream alive but I did do it!!!!!!! Next is the FREE Affirmations for Manifestation Guide I am giving, I say it away because I want you to be happy!! Download the FREE digital guide:
Affirmations for Manifestation

We are now in the 2nd week of the Manifestation Boot Camp Volume 2 course. Manifestation is more than a desire; it's an intentional practice that intertwines the spiritual and the scientific to chart a course of abundance. With a clear focus, the right tools, and a supportive community, you can set out to shape your world according to your deepest, grandest dreams. You get a special price when joining us right now. I can't go into all the deals right now but trust me you get more you join at a regular rate! Whether you're manifesting success in your career, happiness in love, or peace in your inner world, you have the potential to be the architect of your own reality.

The 4 Elements & Your Zodiac

EARTH - Capricorn, Taurus, & Virgo: The stars are helping you stay on track to reach your goals. I would suggest taking a little time out to explore all of the opportunities that are being presented. Don't make rash long term decisions without researching all your opportunities to succeed. You are on point to making your life a lot better by summer.

WATER - Cancer, Pisces, & Scorpio: Your dreams are about to come true, but which dream is totally up to you. With so much water ruling the heavens right now it's a wonder you are not feeling very emotional about everything. This is the time to tune in to that small simple voice inside of you to make some really big choices. It's time to put yourself first and let others support you on your journey.

FIRE - Aries, Leo, & Sagittarius: It may seem like you are moving slower than usual but you really are moving quite effectively. Your mind is where all of the work needs to take place in your life. If you can dream it then you will do it. But if you can't see it, spend some time asking yourself Why? You may find out your dream has grown and so have you.

AIR - Aquarius, Gemini & Libra: Your emotions will lead you to your long term goal if you trust yourself. This is the time for you to be truly honest with yourself about your long term goals and aspirations. Pluto's shift in Aquarius last month has made you more sensitive than you like to be, but it's needed so that you can be in tune with your heart's desire. Not the time to shut down. It's the time for you to ask questions and listen very carefully for answers.

Mercury goes into retrograde on April 1st & will end April 24th so just keep that in mind when planning next month.

Love and Light,



Introducing the Cobalt Blue Candle: A Beacon of Tranquility in Your Daily Life


Grateful & Blessed!